Sunday, March 10, 2013

Social Media Marketing Approaches

Web Strategy Matrix: Social Marketing Approaches, Shotgun vs Laser

  Shotgun Laser
Description Hiring multiple agencies to conduct social campaigns Building a deeper relationship with a core group of influencers
Similar to Interactive Advertising, “Fishing” Influencer Relations, ‘Friending”
Benefits Efficient way to get started, identify hot spots to pursue. Deeper relationships with core influencers who may spread word of mouth, and become brand evangelists.
Risks Brand burnout on community, risk of appearing disingenuous Spending more resources on a smaller few reduces chances of spread.
Costs Inexpensive. In this case, it was 15k X 8 agenices, for a total of 120k. Costly. Relationship marketing estimated 50-100k in agency costs. Loaning 100 economy cars at 15k each around 1.5 million.
Takeaway Ideal for the company that doesn’t understand social marketing and is willing to test on their own customers. Ideal for company that’s ready to invest time, people and money on relationships.



takeshi007 said...

Increase your website traffic by linking through from your other social media sites such as LinkedIn and Youtube. Curiosity to learn more will drive your potential client to click through to more information. Help them by making it easy to learn what they need to know and to showcase your expertise.

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