Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Anne Boe's Keys to Successful Networking

  1. Clarify your career goals.
  2. Develop long-term win-win relationships.
  3. Nurture your network daily.
  4. Be actively involved in your community.
  5. Meet as many people as you can.
  6. Take your business cards everywhere.
  7. Make friends, even when you don't need them.
  8. Act like a host, not a guest.
  9. Become an interested person.
  10. Develop your listening skills.
  11. Trust your intuition.
  12. Take people risks.
  13. Master the art of small talk.
  14. Work smarter, not harder.
  15. Value yourself and your life.
  16. Take action daily towards your goals.
  17. Become your own energy manager.
  18. Learn to ask for what you want.
  19. Give thanks for what you have.
  20. Acknowledge your skills and talents.
  21. Say "Thank you. "
  22. Become an inverse paranoid - decide the world is conspiring for you.
  23. Determine your priorities - protect your energy.
  24. Learn to want what you have.
  25. Know that there are more side doors in the world than there are front doors.

[Source: Anne Boe]

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